The blue of the far distance

solo exhibition view at gallery, Poznań 11.2023
photographs, text, sound on loop, photobook
curated by Adrian Wykrota

solo exhibition view at gallery, Poznań, PL, 11.2023
photographs, text, sound on loop, photobook
curated by Adrian Wykrota

exhibition view at Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna,
main selection Rotlicht festival 10.2023
photographs, textile prints, poem

site specific solo exhibition view at the Old Observatory Leiden, NL, 10.2023
photographs, letters, sound

solo exhibition view at Vintage Photo Festival, Bydgoszcz, 09.2023
photographic prints in lightboxes, textile prints, poem

main selection exhibition view at Hangaram Art Museum, 09.2023
main selection Seoul Photo Festival
framed photographic prints

solo exhibition view at SeeLab Den Haag, 06.2023
photographic prints on textiles, poems, video on loop, sound performance together with Yuna Lee
curated by Zoe Sluijs
supported by STROOM Den Haag and SeeLab Den Haag

solo exhibition view at SeeLab Den Haag, 06.2023
photographic prints on textiles, poems, video on loop, sound performance together with Yuna Lee
curated by Zoe Sluijs
supported by STROOM Den Haag and SeeLab Den Haag

video documentation of sound performance at the opening of the solo exhibition at SeeLab Den Haag, 06.2023
Yuna Lee - saxophone and sound
Emilia Martin - words
supported by STROOM Den Haag and SeeLab Den Haag

graduation exhibition view Royal Academy of the Art, the Hague, 07.2022
photographic print wallpaper, poems, photobook, research book